Sometimes I wish I could have a magic holiday.. that is where I can go back to my childhood, where I do not need to think about a lot of things. just need to go to school everyday, lunch, nap, eat dinner, go hang out with friends, pdkt story, etc.. but that's not the reason I wanted to go back to my childhood, I just want to feel it for a while.. bcz in my childhood I could not feel the freedom, as an example of limited financial in school time, so it can only be felt desirable in dreams (sad), but I really feel grateful because that's what makes me rite now..
Im 21 years old rite now, I need to think about my future,career now. not might just be an salaryman forever.
very difficult time is while you want to jump on the next springboard stone and you confused about where you want to jump.. whether standing still wait the right time to, or skip to the next stone, but you do not know the condition of the next-stone, the stone could have been more sunken and sharp, but it could have been a stone that brings you closer to your goal..
okeh you choose jump to the next-stone. BUT, when you want to jump, suddenly there is only one or a reason to discourage you.. Hmm, whats ur feeling rite now?? which one you choose??? keep jumping or listen to the advice of the person, he/she may also be a good reason that you can achieve your goals with a shortcut. OhMyBuddhaaa.. I can't think, like i'm numbness and wanted to run into a time machine so I can see two reasons which one is better.. Hope "YOU" can give me a good way to face it all, n i need UR Support..
Bless Me
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