Now i'm on vacation in Siantar city, the time showed 05:10 am, n i can't sleep now, Ohmygod..
we just finished playing blackjack card n when who is fail he's must push Up! damn!
i'm push up more than 100 times, n heart is spoting like hell..
segar Bugar!! :s but, than is fun.. (y)
better blogging than can't sleep.. hahaaak
"Hey blog did you know there are some girl who make me fall..
Idk, she's simple girl, n i can't divert attention from her, since i know her.. she always appeared in my mind anytime
Mm,interesting to viewed,Cutee, n everything deehh hahaaa cant said it from word..
i enjoyed our dinner.. that's 1st time we get dinner together. Let's we get dinner again before you back to ur study :D "
People said that's fun, when you get attention from someone you love, n i get it from her, Suprise it, hahaaa..
you know,
im very happy when we get conversation, although we ever get closer,away, and closer again, this is the year's most interesting, hopefully in the future we can stay close like this..
N the last!
Gnite! ;)